Tern Case Study

By Stephen Carroll-Keene

The Problem

Users typically plan a trip to a desired destination, but they may not always have plans to fill the gaps inbetween their main activities, especially on longer trips

The Solution

Tern is a travel companion app that serves as a means to make both local food and activity recommendations to you based on where you’re located at


UX Designer


3 Weeks


Affinity Diagram

In condensing down ideas and figuring out what Tern was eventually going to be, I created an affinity diagram based on surveys I conducted with a number of friends and other participants. The goal of these interviews was to broadly figure out what people valued most when planning their travels.

Affinity Diagram

Travel Survey

Alongside conducting these user interviews, I created a travel survey using google forms to gather more information on users' travel habits, what they looked forward to when planning their travels and what resources they may have used to plan their entire travel itenerary.

Travel Survey

Travel Survey Data


big on traveling


traveled yearly


traveled with company


food was a priority

After conducting this google forms survey we've come to learn that there's at least a potential need and benefit for Tern. Of the 45 responses received we can conclude that a majority of potential users travel multiple times a year and that one of the biggest priorities in their travels is, you've guessed it, food.

Definiton and Ideation

User Persona

Ezra was the basis point of research from the beginning serving as the proto-persona that evolved as data was gathered and condensed into more finite points in moving forward with the eventual creation of the Tern app. The experience of the app as we progress to it was made with Ezra as the user in mind.

User Persona


A sequence of events representing the issue that needs to be solved and the resolution for our user Ezra Miles.

User Flow

User Flow

The path taken to complete a particular given task within the app.


Paper Prototypes

During initial testing of the app, paper prototypes were created as a means of testing user flows from start to finish on a number of given tasks to be completed.

Low-Fidelity Wireframe

Including iterations made from the paper prototype testing. Figma was now going to act as the tool of choice for creating all wireframe fidelities and prototype testing.

Tern Wireframe
Mid Fidelity Prototype

Mid-Fidelity Wireframe

Iterations made from the low fidelity wireframe testing. In understanding the "ux" and what you should and should not ask for from the user, these screens were revamped to only ask for the minimum necessary information without feeling intrusive and still trying to convey a sense of ease when guiding new users through the sign-up flow.

High-Fidelity Wireframe

As a means of taking things a step further and getting a feel for what Tern could be as a modern app, a few screens were designed following Apple's iOS guidelines listed in their Human Interface Guidelines (HIG).

Tern Wireframe


High-Fidelity Prototype

Tern: See The World

Tern is a traveling app that assists its users in curating a traveling experience with both unique food and sightseeing locations based on wherever they’re traveling to..

High Fidelity Prototype


Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts

  • - Ask questions, always!
  • - Users are necessary every step of the way
  • - iOS High-Fidelity for testing
  • - Iteration is your best friend
  • - Can't be a perfectionist the first time around